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Friday, December 23, 2011

The French-British Love Hate Relationship Extends to Breasts

France and the United Kingdom issue clashing advice on breast implants

The French government asked approximately 30,000 women to remove their breast implants, made by a defunct French company.  According to the French government, the implants could rupture and cause inflammation and irritation...which has the possibility of leading to cancer.

The British government, however, advised British women who had received the same implants not to worry. 

One would think that the British would listen to the French for once, since the breast implants had come from France in the first place, and the French government is announcing that the implants are dangerous.  Is this a case of latent British "stiff upper lip" reflex, or does the British government put more stock in their National Health Service's research on breast implants than the French research?



  1. I've been keeping up on this too.It gives the impression that these insurance companies,or medical companies don't want to pay out maybe?You'd think there would be some kind of reimbursement after a product such as an implant has a strong possibility of being faulty.Maybe whover is responsible for footing the bill can't get away with it in France..but in the U.K. due to the politics behind it.It's disturbing that news such as this is a very serious issue in France,but else where they'd hope to keep this under the rug.I can't tell you how many times I started saving for breast enlargement,only to end up spending the money elsewhere...Wheeew..:)

    Nice blog by the way..:)


  2. Hi Keli,

    Thank you for commenting on my post. Please feel free to share the link to my blog with others!
    In my humble opinion, I don't know if there is any way to make breast implants 100% safe. For the British government to tell their female citizens "not to worry about it", though, is really irresponsible when the French government--who had to approve the company that made those implants in the first place--is admitting that the implants are bad. And that is a huge admission.
